A really neat wedding tradition is the "Jumping of the Broom," which represents a formal and public declaration of a couple's commitment to each other. Here is a little how-to:
- Select a time to perform this tradition. Either at the very end of the ceremony or during the reception would be appropriate.
- Call your guests to gather around you and your new spouse.
- Place the broom on the floor and stand in front of it.
- Ask a family member or friend to narrate the history of this custom.
- Suggest that the narrator explain to guests that you are re-creating the ceremony as a way to represent the joining together of two lives and the need for support of the marriage from the entire community.
- Hold the broom with your spouse as the narrator shares this important information.
- Sweep the broom in a circle together until the story is finished.
- Place the broom on the floor and hold hands with your spouse.
- Ask the guests to count out loud to three.
- Jump over the broom together.